Sat. Oct 26th, 2024

WTK REVIEW: “My Golden Life” Has Ended & Here’s Why We Loved It

The hit drama “My Golden Life” has finally come to an end, but should you take the time to watch it? Read on to find out! 

A 52 episode family drama takes a long commitment from cast, crew… and viewers! I started this drama without knowing how long it would last, but after just one episode, I was hooked! I found myself checking several times a day to see when the latest episode would come out with subtitles!

The main female lead of this drama is Seo Ji-an, played wonderfully by Shin Hye-sun. This was her first true lead in a drama, but from her performance, it is surely not to be her last. She plays the selfless older sister of a struggling family that puts her dreams aside to work and help support the ambitions of her younger brother and sister. Her first encounter with the male lead—  third generation chaebol, Choi Do-kyung (played with charisma by Park Si-hoo)— starts off with a fender bender and therefore sets the tone for the ups and downs of their ensuing relationship. They are both attracted to one another, but as with all K-dramas, we know that chaebols and mere mortals do not a happy union make!

There are so many great second characters in this series. Both Ji An and Do Kyung have entitled siblings who feel their happiness should come at the cost of anyone that gets in their way. The rich grandfather, played by Kim Byung-ki, and his eldest daughter, played by Na Young-hee, are a caricature of chaebol families. They are both self-entitled and self-absorbed— two characters you just love to hate!

You’ll find yourself laughing and crying along with Ji An as she works and struggles to find her own place in life without forsaking her family. In addition, you really pull for Do Kyung to break away from the expectations of being the eldest son and heir apparent to the family fortune. The couple faces fleeting moments of happiness together, knowing it will never last. Or will it? Only time will tell.

This drama comes full circle, as does life, showing that love and the ties of family will survive all obstacles. Before arriving at the final episode, you see both families succeed and fail, love and lose, laugh and cry. This is truly a great family drama and well-deserving of its amazing ratings of almost 50%.

Overall, I give four finger hearts for “My Golden Life” and five finger hearts for Shin Hye-sun and her loveable portrayal of Ji An! Binge watch and enjoy this drama that will allow you to see your own family through the lives of these families. This K-drama is well worth 52 episodes, and I have no doubt you will enjoy it as much as I did.

Happy viewing!

DramaElf is a dedicated lover of K-dramas. Not a night goes by without finding her in front of her Kindle, eagerly watching the newest drama. She is a particular fan of Gong Hyo Jin and Shin Min Ah. Although dramas are her biggest fascination, she is also a fan of Kpop and particularly loves Super Junior and SISTAR. Despite being a mom of two and grams of three, she can still fangirl with the best of them when it comes to her ultimate bias Leeteuk.

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