Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

Racism Or Not? Why Alexandra Was Taken Out Of BP RaNia

UPDATED: Alex has publically opened up after leaving BP RaNia.

On August 22nd, the singer released a video message for her fans via Twitter. In the clip, she admits that the past two years were both wonderful and hard, citing many amazing experiences that she has been through and keeping a positive outlook on the recent events that led to her leaving her group.

In a nod to the apparent racial issues behind the decision of the group to remove her, she encourages fans not to be discouraged. “Just because I’m no longer in a Kpop band doesn’t mean anything. We’ve done it before, and we can do it again,” she stated, giving a nod to the fact that she was the first African-American female to be in a Kpop group. “There’s a place for you— there’s a place for all of us— to accomplish your dreams,” she finished up.

Check out the video below!

ORIGINAL: Alexandra Reid is officially no longer a member of  girl group BP RaNia.

On August 19th KST, BP RaNia’s company DR Music, took to social media to announce the news that member Alexandra Reid was being dropped from the group’s member lineup. Fans had been wondering for some time now what Alexandra’s stance truly was in the band as she had been less active and left out of recent promotions.

Read DR Music’s full message below:

“Dear Fans, BP Rania is finally back. First of all, we would like to say thank you for supporting us no matter what. We are deeply appreciated. Recently, there have been issues related to racism, boycotting, petition, etc on our official SNS. We have noticed that many fans have been worried because of these issues. For this digital single, we DR Music, BP Rania, and staff, have been working so hard to show you what we have been preparing. About the title song, all our staff, the artists have reached to an agreement that Alexandra is no longer a member of BP Rania. We have gone through many conversations & meetings and have agreed to promote with 5 members. This decision is not due to rumors such as racism etc. Being on stages with what kind of songs, and what choreography couldn’t be decided only by the company indeed.
Thank you for your support.
DR Music

Alexandra, who usually goes simply as Alex, originally joined the already debuted group RaNia following a group renewal in November 2015. She became the first African-American woman to become an official member of a Korean pop girl group.

Fans have already taken to social media to complain about the fairness of the situation and give their own opinions.

Despite the label’s assurance that it had nothing to do with racism, it seems strange that they would have begun their statement by first mentioning the boycotts of the group and other issues due to racism. Thus stating the problems first, they went on to specifically say that it was a joint decision of the artists and staff that Alex was no longer considered a member. After addressing those issues, to then go on and say that their decision had nothing to do was racism is suspect at best. However, the statement seems to hint that there were differences of opinion when it comes to music that caused Alex to be removed from the group.

Despite the negative situation, we wish Alex much luck in future endeavors, as well success to the other BP RaNia members for future promotions.

What do you think? Do you think it is due to the boycotts and issues surrounding Alex’s race? Or do you believe it is only due to musical differences as the company seems to hint? Let us know your own thoughts by the poll below.

CaptainMal has been into Korean Entertainment for seven years now, since 2010. She travels to conventions in her area, showcasing her “Kpop Game Show’” and occasional Kpop cosplay. Although her favorite bands are Infinite, Super Junior, and VIXX, she boasts a love for a huge variety of artists. Other than Kpop, CaptainMal loves Disney, 80’s rock, Daft Punk, Gaming, and Orange Juice.

Media: DR Music

7 thoughts on “Racism Or Not? Why Alexandra Was Taken Out Of BP RaNia”
    1. Actually, if you read their original statement clearly, as well as Alex’s video explanation, it seems obvious they did. Even though she said she will be happier from now on and it will work out, it was primarily the label and staff’s decision. Thank you,

  1. Nothing to do with race. Why DR Music would begin the report by speaking of racial issues, I have no earthly idea. DR MUSIC should not feel obligated to explain why Alex will no longer be part of the group. But to say, they chose to drop her is inaccurate and unfair. An explanation is not needed. Alex can do what she wants. No explanation needed. But I bet there were artistic differences. So why not say that???

    1. They did a little in the later part of their statement, but most people just find it extremely suspicious that they are the ones who brought up racism first (especially after being accused over and over of treating Alex unfairly for her skin color). But they do go on to say, “This decision is not due to rumors such as racism etc. [but] Being on stages with what kind of songs, and what choreography couldn’t be decided only by the company indeed.”

      In other words, they are saying it wasn’t about racism but about Alex disagreeing with them on songs and choreography for the group. Whether fans choose to believe that or not is up to them- that’s why we made a poll to see what everyone thought.

  2. “We have gone through many conversations & meetings and have agreed to promote with 5 members. This decision is not due to rumors such as racism etc. Being on stages with what kind of songs, and what choreography couldn’t be decided only by the company indeed.”

    What does this mean???? is this a translation from the KOREAN? If so, it is poorly done…the meaning is not clear at all. HELP!!!

    1. This was actually their own statement they released in English- since Alex has a lot of international fans and they wanted to explain. Essentially they are saying it’s not about racism (as they have often been accused of), but rather about differences in song choices and choreo between the staff and Alex.Hope that helps.

  3. There is so much more drama happening/going to happen

    The groups manager employed Saesang fans to destroy Alex there is ALOT of evidence at @A1stSherlock on twitter where some of the saesang fans admitted to working WITH their manager to get alex out and WITH their label DRMUSIC

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