Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Russian Singer Denies Accusations Of Plagiarizing Taeyang’s “Eyes, Nose, Lips”

The Russian singer recently accused of plagiarizing Taeyang’s hit song “Eyes, Nose, Lips” said she didn’t steal anything!

In an interview, the singer said she read a few of the comments and then giggled when the reporter pointed out that there were a lot of comments. She then went on to say that it was all in the court’s hands, and they could decide if the songs were similar or not.

“Of course I am the writer of that song,” she states in the interview, “And I think the courts can decide if they are similar or not. And if someone thinks I’m wrong, then he sues. After that, the court decides everything. Because those songs aren’t similar to me. And I found a new artist. I never knew this artist (before).”

After YG Entertainment responded quickly to get her video pulled from YouTube when it became evident the songs were nearly identical, fans knew it was only a matter of time before the issue went to court. The singer had posted a song on her own YouTube channel that was almost the same note-for-note as Taeyang’s “Eyes, Nose, Lips.” In the description on her channel, she said it was her original song.

Check out her interview and statement below! What do you think?

Media: Lightness

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