Thu. Feb 13th, 2025

Idol Group H.U.B To Headline U.S. “Girl Gang” Tour In July

It looks like the U.S. has another chance to see a Kpop Tour!

Girl group H.U.B (Hope U Bounce) will be taking on a three stop U.S. Tour! This anticipated tour is entitled the “Girl Gang” Tour after their debut track!

This tour will be featured together with the well-known U.S. Kpop event, KPOP ALL NIGHT! The tour will be hitting three different U.S. cities, including Miami, Atlanta, and Minneapolis!

The tour will open up with many different Korean artists, including JC Park, Salv, Uzuhan, and TK Park! They will be performing throughout the night along with a special DJ to bring you a mix of the best tracks in Kpop!

For those that are fans of Kpop YouTube reaction videos, the hosts of the show may be reason enough for you to attend! The hosts of this tour will be none other than the famous Kpop YouTubers JRE from JREKML and Kenny from KeNNyBoYSLaY!

Tickets are going fast, so if you want a chance to meet the artist, you can pick up your tickets at! The General Admission tickets cost only $25 while the VIP Meet and Greet cost $35! Get your tickets now while you still can!

For more information on the tour check out their event page from Kaja Events on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!

Media: Kaja Events

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