Wed. Sep 11th, 2024

G-Dragon Says Goodbye To His Twenties With Instagram Post


December 31, 2016 , ,

G-Dragon said goodbye to his twenties with a post on Instagram!

The popular singer turned 30 on January 1st and looked back on his twenties with fond memories. The world-famous artist posted a selfie on Instagram, saying “The last day of my splendid twenties.” G-Dragon looked shyly at the camera, his face partially hidden with his green hairstyle and a zipped up sweater. He wore no makeup and looked just as young as always, despite turning 30.

In Korea, the age system is quite different from the rest of the world. In the USA, G-Dragon is considered to be 28 years old. In Korea however, the way of counting age and birthdays is different. When a baby is born, they are considered to be one since it is technically their “first” birthday. When January 1st rolls around though, every person in Korea starts a new year and therefore considers themselves a year older. Instead of counting themselves as older on their birthday, everyone in the country turns their new age as the clock strikes midnight on New Years Eve.

We know G-Dragon’s thirties will be just as successful and amazing as his fabulous twenties! WTK wishes him the best of luck now and always.

Check out his Instagram post below!


A photo posted by G-DRAGON (@xxxibgdrgn) on

Media: xxxibgdrgn

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